25,000+ volumes hardback and paperback. General line of used & rare books. Strong selections in literature, the arts, history, sciences & social sciences.
Sales are mail, phone, and internet only - primarily on biblio.com, and abebooks.com.
Cookbooks, philosophy and religion, history and literature, especially the works of and about Anthony Powell and his masterpiece: A Dance to the Music of Time.
Used and out-of-print — antiquarian to
nearly new. General stock includes larger sections of history, biographies, poetry, art, science fiction, religion, science and nature.
General inventory of 5,000 books, modern and antiquari-
an: literature and most subjects, including Vermont. I also
sell a wide assortment of prints and maps, also posters and
other ephemera.
Currently internet based, selling on ABE, Biblio, and eBay.
Inquires welcome.